Main Office

200, 340 Midpark Way SE

Calgary, AB T2X 1P1

Phone: 403-452-3713

Fax: 403-452-3769

Remote Office Locations


British Columbia: 403-452-3713
Central Alberta: 780-400-9095
Norther Alberta: 780-882-9019
Saskatchewan: 306-539-9711
Ontario: 905-941-3825

Let's Connect


    As a team we uphold a simple set of principles of hard work, honesty,  trustworthiness and a good laugh developed through shared experiences of growing up in small towns throughout Western Canada.

    Mike Bailey



    “Life offers few guarantees, but generally the harder and longer you work, the more likely you will succeed."

    C: 403-648-5402

    E: mbailey(AT)

    Lane Boisjoli


    Vice President

    “Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people. ”
    Steve Jobs

    C: 403-648-5401

    E: lboisjoli(AT)

    Dan Legault


    Vice President - Land

    “Always be yourself, express yourself,
    have faith in yourself" – Bruce Lee.

    C: 403-648-5423

    E: dlegault(AT)

    Devin Fisher


    Vice President - Capital Projects

    “It’s hard to beat a person that never gives up.”
    - Babe Ruth.

    C: 403-648-5406

    E: dfisher(AT)

    Gabrielle Leakey


    Vice President - Operations

    “Leaders become great not because of
    their power, but because of their ability
    to empower others.”

    C: 403-648-5421

    E: gleakey(AT)

    Lindsay Beston



    “Don’t expect every day to be
    the best day in your life.
    But do expect the best from life,

    C: 403-648-5428

    E: lbeston(AT)



    Vice President - Technology + Innovation

    “Stop doubting Yourself, Work Hard,
    and Make it Happen”

    C: 403-648-5437

    E: jblouin(AT)

    Morgan Donaldson


    Project Manager - Midstream + Operations

    “Success usually comes to those who
    are too busy to be looking for it.”

    C: 403-648-5444

    E: mdonaldson(AT)

    AiM Land Susan Duxbury



    Project Manager - Operations

    “Success is not the key to happiness.
    Happiness is the key to success.
    If you love what you are doing,
    you will be successful."

    C: 403-648-5419

    E: sduxbury(AT)

    AiM Land Danielle Hartt



    Project Manager - Surface Land

    “Don't worry about being successful,
    but work toward being significant
    and the success will naturally follow."
    - Oprah Winfrey

    C: 587-392-5126

    E: dhartt(AT)

    Brad Cockerill


    Project Manager - Utilities

    “The price of greatness is responsibility.
    Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”

    C: 403-648-5436

    E: bcockerill(AT)

    marci hewitt


    Project Manager - Renewables

    “No great achiever – even those who made it seem easy – ever succeeded without hard work.”

    C: 403 648-5414

    E: mhewitt(AT)

    Shera Ng


    Project Coordinator - Surface Land Operations

    “Success is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.”
    – Coco Chanel

    P: 403-648-5426

    E: sng(AT)

    Mary Khayvongsone


    Project Coordinator - Asset Management

    “Success only comes to those who dare to attempt.“

    C: 403-648-5412

    E: mkhayvongsone(AT)

    Guy Anderson


    Business Development - Mineral Land

    “There are two types of
    successful people in this world
    The highly motivated and the highly educated.”

    C: 587-392-5115

    E: ganderson(AT)

    Lori Siebrasse


    CPA, CFE, CIA Controller

    “It is not what you look at that matters,
    it’s what you see.”
    - Henry David Thoreau

    C: 403-648-5411

    E: lsiebrasse(AT)

    Let’s get connected today and start something great together.
    We are here to help you with our extensive service offerings from Surface Land to Indigenous Engagement to Project Evaluations; we have you covered.

    Click the link and connect with us to learn more about our in-house programs. We’re happy to meet with you to discuss your project and explain how we can use our expertise to develop your project efficiently and cost effectively using our innovative solutions.

    AiM Land Services